Thursday, October 7, 2010

Experiment: Does Beer Keep Underwater?

Everyone was so helpful during the pre-wedding dinner, they took all the food and the drink and all the other stuff that you can't have a meal for fifty five people without, upstairs.
And then they brought it all back down afterwards...
...and no one told me that the ice boxes were not empty.

What I learned: Caps on beer bottles rust after being submerged for three weeks.

Also, the paper labels on the tops of the Stellas get kind of slimy.

The good news is that the beer tastes fine... as long as you pour it into a glass.


  1. Yes it does... the same thing happened to Justin after his wedding and we still ended up saving it all for Ranch-A-thon 4 months later. If you don't believe me, I'll stop on by and do a couple of taste tests!


    I'd say that proves your results are repeatable.
