So now that Christmas is over, we spent a nice lazy day playing with lego. Which happened to result in more of our TV console being covered.
We also got more lego for christmas so we started with what looked like a fairly substantial amount.
credit: (from left to right clockwise) Steve, Judi & Nick, Binoy.
So we began to build. After we had used up all the thinnies, we had only added one more covered partition and some facing... argh.
So, I decided to do some redesigning to try and use up some of the fatties we have. Its hard to get Lego sets (impossible actually) with only thinnies, so a fair amount of our wedding/christmas gifts were fatties.
I demolished the end wall and rebuilt it as fatties, which left enough thinnies to cover up the front of the console. The last two partitions aren't fully covered at all, and the flat surface of the shelf housing the cable DVR thingy is only covered up to the front of the box.
From the front it looks pretty good. My picture-taking skills however leave a lot to be desired. Trust me, it looks better in real life!
So now mostly all we have left is to cover the top. I used every single usable piece of lego we had today. All we are left with are the weird bits and these:
I see the 3 wisemen are working their way toward the manger!